Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gamer cents, literally!!

HAPPY FOoooorrrrr not....
So, apparently, I suck at keeping up with anything when holidays come 'round.  It's true!  Just ask my family  O.O *ahem*
Admit it, your job feels like this...
I have finally reached what many would call a "weekend", which, to me, is just 2 days in a row in which I don't have to worry about showing up to work.  However, that usually ends up with me still showing up to work doing some meaningless bullshit service.  Today, it was just dropping off a prepaid phone from one store to another.  Joy!  Why should you care?  You shouldn't.  I just felt like letting you in on that small jewel of happiness in my life.


Speaking of happy.  You know what makes a gamer happy?  Buying cheap ass video games!!  Seriously.  I had the day off (as stated earlier, but in case you weren't paying attention it was stated again) and decided that I needed to go shopping for stuff for the relatively-new apartment.  Yes, Myriah and I are STILL trying to get the place spruced up with little knick-knacks (where the Hell did that term come from?) here or there.
I became increasingly depressed as my search had encountered no luck in finding something that was of decent quality for a cheap price or just not a piece of shit on four legs.  With this melancholy, I came across a GameStop, a Game Craze and a Target.  Inside these wonderlands of electronic, euphoric escapism (and Target) I discovered a great thing... deals can exist in the the video game world!!

Now, let's take into account the fact that NEW (as in brand-spanking new) video games are selling for $50-60 at retail.  That's pretty steep, and when you're paid minimum wage, it's easy to say, "HA!  You're crazy if you think I'm paying that.... unless it's a really cool game like Mass Effect... or Assassin's Creed.... or Gears ofDAMMIT!!"  But truthfully, I cannot find myself paying these prices anymore, so I'll take my elation where I can get it.

Today, elation was present when I was able to expand my collection for less than $8 bucks a game.  Yeah... that was awesome.  I was able to pick up Assassin's Creed for $7, Gears of War for $5 and Crimson Skies (the classic aerial shooter from the original XBOX) for $3.  Granted, these games are a bit old, and were purchased used, but they're still popular titles.  And any collector worth his salt (that's another stupid phrase I've never understood) understands that collecting can be expensive, so finding your right price is hard to do.  I'll take my victories where I can. 
Include the fact that I was able to pick up the ever-so-popular Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, brand-spanking new, for $15 at Target (cheaper than Gamestop or Game Craze) and I'd say that it was a good day to bargain hunt, especially for video games.

Total: $30 for 4 games that I love and highly enjoy.

Now, I've played all of these games before (except Oblivion), but I just wanted to have them on my shelf for the same reasons that people keep books on their shelves: it looks awesome to have the whole collection and to occasionally jump back into the story (or in this case gameplay) once in a while.  Can you fault me for that?  If so, I hope someone knocks you off your high tower.  Asshole.
So, to sum up, I'll just say this.  If you're a gamer that likes to get the gamerscore/trophies and you want to bolster your collection, only buy the games waaaaaaay after they've released.  Renting them saves you money and then down the line, when you're ready to add them to your collection, you won't have to worry about buying the games for a majorly over-priced... er... price.  Yeah.
To quote Myriah: "Yay! Monies!!"

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