Tuesday, October 2, 2012

G-Spirits: The Proper Gamer's Drink

Are you a stereotypical gamer?
Do you live at home, in your parents' basement?
Do you shy away from sunlight, healthy foods, hygiene and.... women?
Do you long for the taste of a beautiful, silicon-filled woman to be upon your tongue while you drink away your conscious thoughts of depressing loneliness?
Well, we have the drink for you!!
G-SPIRITS!! The proper drink for an improper world!

This is not an actual advertisement, but from the way the German brewer is promoting its product you'd think that this was the target audience.
"G-Spirits is promising customers that "every drop" of its line of alcoholic beverages has been poured on the naked breasts of a certified model - with her approval, of course." 
I mean, I'm all for a naked women being wet and there being alcohol involved, but this just goes beyond* ridiculous. It's like these guys took the greatest thing about being a stereotyped "loser" - being alone and, apparently, male - and using that as a means to draw them in. And which group still, to this day, gets the greatest classification of being a hermitted loser? The video gamer. So, hey, they've got to be the perfect target audience.

Let's see, we've got the demeaning of women down already. Why not take the next step, G-Spirits, and head to E3? That'd be the perfect place! Your target "loser" consumer-base is there and they're already demeaning women in the skanky costumes! You'll fit right in!! You can even have girls pouring booze all over themselves to show the process and no one would bat an eyelash, too.
That's genius!! I should be in marketing. It's that simple, right?

Hey, at least they were kind enough to make sure they got the approval from these women to do it. They were really classy about it.

Check out this blurb about it on the Miss Representation website.

*Speaking of "Beyond", please be sure to pass along your best wishes to IGN's Greg Miller who is battling cancer - Hodgkin's Lymphoma - and is going to be missing NYCC 2012 due to a port being surgically implanted into his chest. All the best to him.