Monday, January 9, 2012

Where is everybody?

Okay, while I've got some downtime at work, I just wanted to post something on here that was bugging for the last week or so, and something reminded me of it.

Maybe about a week and a half ago, I was looking to play something online, namely a shooter type and on my 360. I decided to go with Transformers: War For Cybertron. Now if you've grown up with the Transformers G1 series and want to see something that takes the horrid taste of Michael Bay from your mouth, then this is the one for you. Enjoy.

With that in mind, I figured, "Hey, there should be a decent amount of people still playing this, despite the fact that this came out almost 2 years ago." Good enough logic, right? Boy was I on the "dark of the moon" on that one (see what I did there?).

I went to the global options for multiplayer and local and found a grand total of 128 players online... in the evening! What!? Apparently, unless your game's title is Call of Duty or Gears of War or Battlefield, etc, the likelihood of your multiplayer function lasting longer than six months is pretty much slim-to-none. Seriously!? That's how fickle you guys are? Are we really at the point where playing a game that's barely two years old is considered "nostalgia?" Oy vey.

That's just becoming sad. Not only did High Moon Studios create a Transformers game that embodies pretty much everything one could want from the series, they created a pretty fantastic multiplayer that had me playing pretty heavily. Sadly, that's not enough in today's gaming market. You gotta be a big name franchise before people will play your game beyond a year's time.

Really, people? I thought we knew better than that. And honestly, if playing WFC is nostalgia, then what is playing Super Mario Bros. on the original Nintendo? Being in denial? Gah!


  1. It makes me sad when old games die out. I remember going back to Halo 2 and apparently I missed the memo that they were shutting down the servers for that and it made me real sad! That was one of my favourite online console gaming experiences I think. The ones afterwards just didn't live up to it in terms of the multiplayer.

    Also, is that transformers game actually good? I wanted a good transformers game for some time but I don't want to be disappointed by it. Bad movie tie ins really ruin the franchise for me.

  2. Also, found your blog through your winning of the JSR hoodie on twitter! Congratulations! Can't wait for the remake!
