Monday, April 30, 2012

Kinect: Better With Skyrim

Dilated pupils, Dovahkiin?  So, that isn't fog floating around you.

Well, tomorrow is Tuesday, the day of the week that always finds its way into the soft place in a gamer's heart, despite being in the beginning of the week.  This is all the more so with the release of the Skyrim Kinect Support!  Yes, it's finally happened where a main stream game has a massive update to allow great use of the Kinect controller-free system.  What about Mass Effect 3?  Well, that was the first to really utilize the Kinect but it was in more of a "hey that's neat" kind of way.  The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim options for Kinect seem to be far more in-depth.  At least, in my opinion.
Take a look at the Skyrim Kinect Support trailer:

That.  Looks.  So.  Damn.  Cool.
In addition, Bethesda, developer of the Elder Scroll Series has so graciously posted a list of all the Kinect supported words and phrases.  I'd suggest printing it. Hi, I'm the link!!


Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty nuts about this.  I even traded in my PS3 version of Skyrim for the 360 version just so I could utilize my Kinect a little more (it's been collecting dust as an exercise piece...)!!  Plus, it didn't hurt my decision that the PS3 version was still insanely buggy. >_<

One last bit... along with the release of the Kinect update, Bethesda will be giving an announcement concerning the first DLC (downloadable content) for Skyrim.  Oh, my nerd-dom has gone off the radar here.  I guess there's a small part of me that is glad that my better half is gone for the week as I fulfill much delayed gaming withdrawl.  She'd probably kill me if I were to start shouting at the TV while she's trying to do.... well, anything.

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